Community engagement in 2018 resulted in the Aboyne Community Action Plan (CAP). Groups of motivated individuals and Mid Deeside Community Council working with other local organisations such as Mid Deeside Community Trust (MDCT) and Aboyne Business Association (ABA) have brought many of the ambitions in the CAP into reality.
Successes include:
Improved paths and tracks improving access for residents and visitors thanks to the work of the Aboyne Paths and Tracks Group (now under MDCT)
The new Community Shed (Aboyne & District Community Shed)
Aboyne Centre Enhancement Scheme (ACES) undertaken by MDCT, alongside improvements to Aboyne Upper Square by MDCC including new benches, planters, signage, trees a new community noticeboard and a new bike station, and new benches and picnic benches for Aboyne Green
If you have ideas for new community projects in our area, please get in touch using the 'Contact us' button below.