A Local Place Plan for Aboyne
Planning for our future
Together with other local groups and individuals, Mid Deeside Community Council has started work on a Local Place Plan for Aboyne.
In due course, work may start on Local Place Plans for other parts of the Mid Deeside area.
For more information on A Local Place Plan for Aboyne go to www.aboynelocalplaceplan.info or click on the button below.
What is a Local Place Plan?
Local Place Plans (LPPs) are a new type of plan introduced by the Scottish Government to increase community involvement in planning for future development in their area. These plans take Community Action Plans one step further, often building on existing Community Action Plans.
'These plans are a way for communities to highlight issues, gather ideas and express aspirations for the future. ... LPPs offer the opportunity for a community led, but collaborative, approach to local place-making, setting out proposals for the development and use of land.' (Aberdeenshire Council)
LPPs give communities an opportunity to develop proposals for the development and use of land in the place where they live. Communities are encouraged to focus on their aspirations as well as their needs, and are empowered to play a proactive role in defining the future of their places.
Once registered, LPPs will be taken into account in the preparation of the Local Development Plan (for Aberdeenshire's current Local Develoment Plan, see here).
An LPP can be promoted and developed by:
Any individual or collection of community groups which meets the definition for community-controlled bodies
Community councils established in accordance with Part 4 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973
For a useful explanation of Local Place Plans and the benefits they can bring,
click on the link below to Our Place Scotland.
If you are interested in helping to build an LPP for our area, particularly if you represent a local community group or can offer ways to help engage our local community so that an LPP reflects the needs and aspirations of everyone living and working here, please complete the Local Place Plan Feedback form below.
If you are interested in helping to build a Local Place Plan for our area, particularly if you represent a local community group or can offer ways to help engage our local community so that a Local Place Plan reflects the needs and aspirations of everyone living and working here, please get in touch using this feedback form or email middeesidecommunitycouncil@gmail.com.